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Theo’s story
For years, I struggled with my weight, reaching as much as 118kg (260lbs) at 51 years old with a height of 178cm (5’10”). In August of 2022, I decided to embark on a Carnivore Diet, and since then, I’ve lost a significant amount of weight, and I’m currently down to 88kg (194lbs) as of April 2023 when I started this blog.

But it’s not just about the ‘weight loss’. The carnivore way of eating has brought about a host of other positive changes in my life. I have better digestion and sleep, and my autoimmune skin rashes and digestive issues have cleared up entirely. Even my chronic back pain has disolved, and I attribute this to the elimination of inflammatory foods in my diet. It feels like all the inflammation has left my body, and I now have an incredible amount of energy and a new zest for life. I’m never hungry, and I no longer feel the urge to snack throughout the day. Instead, I eat one main meal a day and a smaller secondary meal in the evening.
My partner Alison (50yo) joined me on this journey and started the same diet on the same day. She’s also experienced weight loss, but more importantly, the diet has helped with her chronic niggling conditions like perimenopause symptoms, including headaches and a host of digestive issues such as bloating, pain, and periodic vomiting.
What’s even more impressive is that a couple of months into embarking on this journey, my father saw the benefits the diet had produced in me, and he too adopted the carnivore diet. At the ripe old age of 78, he too experienced incredible health benefits.
We’ve seen so much benefit in just three out of three people! So we decided to start a website/blog to share our experience with the world, hoping that this information will reach others and help them transform their lives too.
It took a lot of research to finally embark on such a radical diet. I was first made aware of it over 2 years before starting it and had initially dismissed it. Less than a year into it, I know there is no going back.
With this website, I’m not only sharing my story but also collating as many resources as possible about the carnivore diet in one place. There are a lot of resources online, but they’re scattered all over the place, making it difficult for newcomers to the diet to get started. I intend to create a wiki-style website that includes how to get started, key people leading the charge, and the leading research. My goal is to help others who are struggling with different health issues and are considering the carnivore diet.
Join us in learning about and experiencing the benefits of the carnivore way of eating. Enjoy a new direction in life.